Design Research - Fashion Capstone:
Development of design methodology through human-centered research of creative processes and the application of this methodology to a collection of clothing. This project emphacizes the importance of design as a sensory response, coherent structure and craftsmanship as a mode of communication.
American Eagle Case Study:
In 2026, innovative fabric technologies have been developed to the point they are ready to be utilized at larger scales. American Eagle releases a capsule collection that strategically utilizes innovative fabric technologies as a means to connect with its target demographic. This collection uses recycled fashion waste, spray dying machinery and agricultural waste to reimagine the brand’s classic designs.
Maison Margiela Case Study:
Earthen Fragments
Margiela innovates and renovates with regenerative design while honing in on its key design traits. This collection introduces a radical new system for the relationships between designers, consumers and clothing; Featuring biomaterials, minimal finishing and modular, ‘open source’ construction.
Collaborative Brand and Product Development:
For this project I worked with a group of students from different design disciplines to collaboratively develop a product, journals, along with branding and merchandising. We conducted user research in multiple stages, developed a series of prototypes, experimented with new techniques, produced a range of products and sold these products in a merchandised booth at a market.
Speculative Design:
Under the Same Stars
This project uses speculative design to explore the idea of belief in cosmic oneness as a response to disillusionment in contemporary times. This idea translates into a series of artifacts and their integration into a ritual that celebrates light, life and synchronicity.
Design Fiction:
Coming Conflict
This design fiction project tells the story of a conflict between the forces of nature and industry. This project takes inspiration from fantasy and dystopian science fiction and uses hyperbolic portrayal of the future as commentary on the current day.
Apparel Design and Production Industry Experience:
Kurt Lyle
In the fall of 2021, I was a design intern for Kurt Lyle, a boutique fashion brand that aimed to inspire a sense of care-free fun through the use of bright colors, exciting prints and bold silhouettes. While working for them I was responsible for the development of the fall/winter collection and the production of the spring/summer collection.
Concept Design and Material Exploration:
Creation and Transformation
Transforming the relationship between people and their clothes through the act of creation. This project addresses labor exploitation, consumerism, rising clothing prices and empowers the consumer’s creativity through the development of a design system which involves the wearer of clothing in the process of making it.
Speculative Design:
After the fall of civilization, nature reclaims the Earth after the failure of its human stewards. In this world, resourcefulness and optimism are key to survival. This speculative design project envisions a future that brings about a renewal of the good that exists naturally within ourselves, our planet, and our minds.
Brand Development and Art Direction:
X - Terra
Developing an identity and graphic story for a brand concept, “X-Terra.” X-Terra is an accessory and homeware brand that makes contemporary artifacts from earthen materials using slow craft techniques.
Running on Cargo